Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I'm not sure why I started this blog, I don't lack in things to do (since I am a mother to a little miss smarty pants who goes to an exclusive school), I don't really have much to tell either. Hmmmm...
I guess I need a better outlet to express feelings I can't unleash at home. This is so much better than something destructive which I have been in the past.
So how to start? So, call me
Gelatin, obviously one who has two x chromosomes although I sometimes act like I have both x and y. Just turned 23, born and
half raised in the Philippines, other half was spent in Canada but currently resides in the Philippines. Ah, I usually get the question
why? right about now. It's because it has been my experience that educational institutions in Canada from pre-school to high school aren't up to par with
my standards. It may sound like I'm bragging but I am smart and
always get excellent grades. Studying in Canada was so
damn easy honestly that I just got really bored. Anyway, I want nothing but the best for my daughter so I
chose to go back here and have her go to an exclusive school -
La Salle since I cant afford the exclusive schools there. Questions about her father will have to be answered later or some other time. Back to me, I'm a virgo pig. I love to sing, read, write,
travel and drive! I am friendly, sweet, loving, outgoing, funny, too emotional, too trusting (bordering on gullible) and a
procrastinator. I'm getting dizzy talking about myself so let me introduce to you my little girl,
Dana, a virgo horse. Just turned 4 without me noticing it (she didn't even go through the terrible 2s!) and so naturally intelligent. She was accepted as a Kinder 1 student when she was still 3. If you knew schools here, they're very strict about a child's age but my little teddy bear proved them that she's just too smart for them to reject. She's currently obsessed with the video games
Contra and
Balloon fight which I play with her.
I have to log off because I have to eat with Dana now, she's been tugging at my hair for the last 5 minutes because she saw the red rice cooker light switch off. Til next time people...
janangela walked on sand.
7:49 PM.