Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Is my Maternal Clock Ticking?

Let me start with the nine months of carrying her in my tummy. I have to admit, the first four months were hell. I threw up everything I ate, went to the bathroom every 5 minutes and my back ached terribly I could barely walk around (which is recommended daily while pregnant). At the fifth month things started getting better until that day I went to labor. I had a 10 am doctor's appointment that day. I was already feeling some cramps from my stomach but it wasn't painful, not even uncomfortable so I thought nothing of it. I went to the clinic and the receptionist noticed I was rubbing my tummy a lot so she asked how I was feeling (knowing I was due on not even 2 weeks from that day), so I told her about the cramping and she said that just to be sure she wasn't gonna let me wait and bumped me in front of the other expecting mothers so the doctor could see me right away. She also said that it's probably nothing since I wasn't having discomfort. My doctor checked me and I was 1 cm. dilated, since she's my first baby he said that it could still take about a week before I go into labor so I thanked them and went on my way.
I went to the mall to window shop and eat my favorite Tim Horton's chocolate chip bagel with butter and mushroom soup. After 2 hours, I went home and was kinda panicked to see I had some blood on my underwear. I called the hospital and told them about this. The nurse kept telling me that if I wasn't feeling any pain that it couldn't be labor but had me come in anyway to get checked. So I was back up again to go to the hospital with my prepared baby bag with with me. I think evryone in the nursing staff were surprised to find that I was already 8cms. dilated and not feeling any pain. That's right, no pain at 8 cms. So I was confined at 5pm and was brought in my nice and cozy private room. At 7 pm I suddenly felt a strong, sharp, excruciating pain and soon found out I was fully dilated and ready to give birth. The attending doctor was with another patient at the time and the nurse asked me to not push until the doctor was there. I held on for about 5 minutes and then told her that I couldn't wait any longer. At 7:24 pm, I gave birth to Angel.
She was a good baby. You know how most mothers would say their babies kept them up all night? Dana didn't do that to me. She woke up every 3 hours on routine for feeding and a change of diapers all day every day for 3 months. At 8 months old she stood on her own for the first time and a month later took her first step. I tell you she was just a good cutie pie. What's more, she didn't go through the terrible twos.
Now, I get the pleasure of seeing her on top of her class eventhough she's younger than then all of them by at least a year. She hugs me and kisses me and tells me she loves me every day. When I'm sick, she puts a washcloth over my forehead to bring my fever down and brings me my medicine. I'm happy. I know I've taught her well. I know she's growing up to be a loving and intelligent person and it makes me so proud. She is my greatest accomplishment. The most precious gift I've ever received and eventhough she throws tantrums at times, I can't ask for more.
I decided to blog this because earlier today I was thinking that maybe I want to have another baby already. But then I also know that I need to go on my much needed break and self revelation. I would love to give Dana a little brother or sister to love and care for. I would love to take care of another little one.
So what do I do now?