Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Almost There

I've always been a very private person. This is the reason why I don't divulge my whole personal stuff here. I don't advertise having the blog either. I just like writing and I'm too lazy to actually write so I type. Make sense? Anyway, I'm particularly private about my health because I've had heaps of trouble with it and people who tend to know about it usually pity me because of it. I don't like being pitied. There are others who have it worse than I do.
I've been sick and am just starting to get better and as an inspiration to getting better fast, my friend bought us advance tickets to Spiderman 3 at the very comfortable, quite expensive Gateway Cineplex 10 which features lazy boy seats and unlimited drinks and popcorn. I am excited and these tickets prompted me to eat and sleep a lot and drink my medicine religiously. Apparently, the May 1 premiere show is already sold out, second day of showing is not bad at all!