Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I took Dana to the clinic near my house to be vaccinated yesterday. She turned 4 last September and acccording to her immunization booklet she needs DPT, Polio and MMR shots. Anyway, so I went there 10 minutes early to get signed in and went on to cubicle number 2 to wait for her name to be called. The doctor who was supposed to be there at 5 pm arrived at 5:40. Lo and behold, the first name they called was not my daughter's name but someone who signed in 15 minutes after I did. I let it slide, I saw her baby looked pale and maybe needed to see the doctor urgently. Next thing I knew, the mother and the pediatrician were talking their heads off and laughing. Hello? Could she be more
unprofessional? After another 15 minutes, they emerged and the doctor called another name,
it wasn't Dana's name again! I was furious by this time so I called the attendant and asked why they were going first and all she could say was because Dana is a new patient. I hate that clinic! And it's supposed to be a
good clinic and everything.
I left and never turned back. I'm just never gonna go there ever again. Dana will get her shots at Medical City this Saturday. They're competent there, I know, that's where I go for my check ups. I don't care if it's an hour drive, I just won't tolerate incompetence.
janangela walked on sand.
11:13 AM.